
Production of Relativistic Mono-Energetic Electron Beams by Using Terawatt and Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Fanaei, Masoumeh | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41647 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Sadighi Bonabi, Rasoul
  7. Abstract:
  8. In general cases, the generated electron beam with interaction of high intense and ultra short laser with gas plasma targets has large distributed energy spectrum (100%) that is called Quasi-maxwellian energy spectrum. Recently, in some experimental and 3D-PIC simulation results, a narrow band electron energy spectrum has observed that is called Quasi-monoenergetic electron. We approximated that these electrons have Gaussian distribution. High quality quasi-monoenergetic electron beam can focus in small spot. Therefore, there are many applications such as medical applications, crystallography with electron scattering, spectroscopy with soft energy and ultra fast x-ray, photonuclear interactions and electro accellerator. Electrons cavity acceleration is one of the relativistic regimes to describe the monoenergetic electron acceleration. Quasi-monoenergetic electron generation is described earlier with spherical cavity acceleration theory. They have shown that there are some differences in the shape of cavity and deviations for energy distribution during the elongation of cavity in this regime. In this work, we introduce a new ellipsoid model that could be improved the quality of the electron beam in contrast to other method and this model is more consistent than the previous spherical model. The presented ellipsoid cavity model explained the monoenergetic electron trajectory more accurately. Also, one got analytical results for potential and fields inside cavity and we could estimate maximum energy of electron beam that confirmed by PIC and experimental results. In this work, we explained that the focused laser pulse in the best matched point above the nozzle gas due to obtain a stable ellipsoid bubble
  9. Keywords:
  10. Laser-Plasma Interaction ; Femtosecond Laser ; Wave Breaking ; Ellipsoid Bubble Regime ; Plasma Accelerator ; Quasi-Monoenergetic Electron ; Bubble Stability

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