MBBR and MBR Reactor Configuration for Better Performance
| 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41652 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Borgheei, Mahdi
- Abstract:
- Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) which are commonly understood as the combination of membrane filtration and biological treatment using activated sludge have several advantages, but membrane fouling reduces the membrane efficiency, permeability and lifetime. An alternative is replacing a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) with the activated sludge system which may reduce the effect of membrane fouling. The sludge produced in MBBRs has poor settling characteristics, therefore, their efficiency is limited by the sedimentation tank performance and they require a larger settling surface. The combination of moving bed biofilm reactors and membrane bioreactors can compensate for the drawbacks of both of these systems and further increase their acceptance and application in wastewater treatment industries. The objective of this study has been to develop and investigate the potentials of combining the MBBR with membrane separation. The study was carried out using a hollow fiber microfiltration membrane. The pilot plant consisted of two separated 30 liters reactors with KMT carriers, one with membrane and one without it. The carrier filling fraction was 40%. The synthetic wastewater contained molasses and other salts as nutrient source. The COD of the feed was in three various concent ratios (500-1000-2000) with different hydraulic retention times (10-15-20 hr) which responds to organic loading rates between 0.6-4.8 were applied The removal efficiency of COD for permeate was 92-98%, for biological treatment in the reactor was 89-96% and for conventional MBBR was 87-96%.The MLSS content increased from 4000 to 9230 in the reactor with membrane and decreased from 4000 to 2450 in the conventional MBBR.
Results show that the reactor with membrane had better performance, The outlet was so clear and therefore it is suitable for reuse - Keywords:
- Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) ; Membrane Bioreactor ; Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)Removal Ratio ; Hollow Fiber Membrane
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