
Static and Dynamic Modeling of Post Fixed Grooved Clay Brick System Behaviour for Wall and Surfaces Construction Without Mortar and With High Planarity

Mahmoodi, Mostafa | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41762 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Esmaeil Pourestekanchi, Homayoon
  7. Abstract:
  8. Nowadays using traditional hollow clay brick in buildings to make walls and partitionsisvery common. Non-load-bearing walls in buildings are used as architectural elements for design purposes and protecting the people that are inside the building from cold , heat and sound pollution .Due to the new technologies and developing building codes interms of structure , non-load-bearing walls behaviour that is always neglected seems necessary to be considered. In this research we have investigated the static and dynamic behaviour of a patented non-load-bearing wall made up of a claybrick system with specially-designed-precision grooved faces that eliminates conventional cement mortar and results in more planar surfaces. Because there is a wide variety of masonry blocks being used all over the world and moreover Iranian non-load-bearing wall behaviours have not been examined so far , we haveinvestigated the static and dynamic behaviour of these walls and then compared it with the inventory walls.Modeling of this wall was done in ABAQUS software and the main approach is detailed micro-modeling. In these analyses in-plane shear and out-plane bending results and other behaviours of the wall were examined .Then we explored the dynamic behaviour of the wall by different excitation. It should be noted that different tests has been done for obtaining masonry and inventory walls mechanical properties . As a result we concluded that with proper precision, ultimate strength of inventory walls in static loading is the same as that of masonry walls , yet with better flexibility . This advantage promotes these inventory walls in dynamic behaviour and they show a considerable improvement in dynamic excitation response.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Static Behavior ; Dynamic Behavior ; Traditional Hollow Clay Brick Wall ; Grooved Shape Hollow Clay Brick Wall ; Detailed Micro-Modeling

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