Analysis and Study the Effect of Knowledge Management Implementation on Productivity Case Study: Tehran Regional Electric Company
Payam Asgari, Mahboubeh | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41849 (01)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Industrial Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mostafavi, Mostafa
- Abstract:
- The successful development and implementation of a knowledge management system requires principles and instructions compatible with the organization. In the absence of essential and domestic components of a given organization, the process of knowledge management implementation will fail to be successfully completed. There are now various models for the implementation of knowledge management; however, these models only recommend general strategic guidelines, hardly offering any specific strategic plans as to how organizations can successfully and effectively implement knowledge management. Since the promotion of productivity is the ultimate goal of knowledge management, the present research has endeavored to present a strategic plan for the implementation of knowledge management, with the aim of promoting productivity in the Tehran Regional Electric Company (TREC), and then to analyze the effects of knowledge management on productivity. To that end, the contributing factors in productivity in TREC were first identified, and then prioritized using the AHP method. Subsequently, using the Three-Stage Model of QFD, a strategic plan for knowledge management (implementation) is designed
- Keywords:
- Knowledge Management ; Strategic Plan ; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) ; Productivity Analysis ; Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
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