
Performance Evaluation of Membrane Bioreactors in Treating Municipal Wastewater

Hatami Bahman Beyglou, Elnaz | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41899 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Torkian, Ayoub
  7. Abstract:
  8. Membrane bioreactors can replace the activated sludge process and the final clarification step in municipal wastewater treatment. The combination of bioreactor and crossflow microfiltration allows for a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction of synthetic wastewater. In this study, experimental data from a laboratory scale membrane bioreactor are presented. In order to investigate the influence of various operating parameters such as hydraulic retention time (HRT), biomass concentration and organic loading rate on organic pollutant removal, the pilot scale submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with a Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane module was conducted using synthetic municipal wastewater as influent.
    Trials on different membrane fluxes and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were conducted. The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was controlled at 3.5–5.6 mgL-1 during the experimental period. The SMBR had a working volume of 20 L for 6.33 h and 5 h HRT and 12 L for 3.11 h HRT. Results have showen that Hydraulic retention time of 5 h was more applicable. The optimal flux was 15.67 LMH. The organic loading rate (OLR) has been varied in the range of 1790–5219 g m-3 per day. At steady state a high quality filtrate could be obtained at different operating conditions. At biomass concentrations of 12779–14800 mgL-1, average COD reduction was above 92%.
    The experiments demonstrated that when HRT was 6.33, 5 and 3.11 h, the reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was 84.87–93.69, 88.98–96.90 and 87.9–95.96%, and the effluent COD was 82–32, 58–20 and 76–26 mgL-1, respectively. It is suggested that an HRT of 5 h or more could meet the normal standard of discharged domestic sewage, and an HRT of 3.11 h could meet that of water reclamation. Membrane permeability could be recovered 97.4% after chemical cleaning. It was concluded that it is feasible to treat the wastewater using SMBR technology
  9. Keywords:
  10. Urban Sewage ; Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)Removal Ratio ; Submerged Membrane Bioreactor (SMBR) ; Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) ; Microfiltration Membrane

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