A Track Maintenance Management Model Using Heuristic Model (Case of Study: Iranian Railway)
Ahmadi, Ehsan | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41915 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Shafahi, Yusof
- Abstract:
- Railways managers have strong economic incentive to minimize the track maintenance costs, while maintaining safety standards and providing adequate service levels to train operators. . The aim of this study is providing a method for repair and maintenance management of Iranian Railways and improving previous investigations.This study consists of three parts. First, providing a new definition for the rail's status based on fuzzy theory. Second, a cumulative damage model based on a Fuzzy Markov process is applied to model the deterioration of the track. For this reason, tracks are categorized into six classes, so that those tracks with similar traffic loads and geographical location are collected into one class. Applying information are gathered from more than 400 blocks of the Iranian Railway during 2002–2008 and used to identify the transition matrix. Third, probabilistic dynamic programming is used to find the optimal repair for each possible track state in the planning horizon. This approach allows the optimal maintenance decision to be determined for the track at any point in time within the planning horizon
- Keywords:
- Maintenance ; Track Quality Index ; Fuzzy Markov Chain
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