Modeling and Performance Investigation of Airlift Pump with Conical Upriser Pipe
Hosseini Abadshapoori, Mehdi | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42130 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Saeedi, Mohammad Hassan
- Abstract:
- Airlift pumps are widely used in numerous industries for different applications such as transmission of viscous fluids (heavy hydrocarbons of oil), pumping of corrosive liquids and so on. In general, parameters which affect the efficiency of an airlift pump can be classified into two major groups. The first group is the designing parameters such as the diameter of the upriser pipe or the submergence ratio. The second group is the operation parameters such as diameter of the bubble, inlet pressure of the gas and so on. One of the designing parameters which can have an effective influence on the performance of an airlift pump is the non-constant diameter of the upriser pipe, which can be achieved in two ways: by placing a step along the pipe or by choosing a non-zero conical angle of the upriser pipe. The current research investigates numerically the effect of the latter on the performance of an airlift pump. An upriser pipe of total length 6 m and inside diameter of 50 mm with submergence ratios of 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 and conical angle of 0, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2 and 3 degrees is modeled for this purpose. The performance of the pump in the two phase flow of air and water with different gas flow rates is then studied. The numerical results are verified with some existing experimental results and show well consistency. Results show that increasing the conical angle of the upriser pump can sufficiently increase the efficiency of the pump. Also the performance of a zero-angle airlift pump has been studied experimentally. Also an airlift pump with conical angle of 0.7 degrees has been built for the purpose of experimental investigation of conical-angle airlift pumps
- Keywords:
- Two Phase Flow ; Airlift Pump ; Conical Upriser Pipe
- محتواي پايان نامه
- view
- 1- فصل اول:
- مقدمهاي بر جريانهاي دو فازي
- 2- فصل دوم:
- مروري بر ادبيات پمپ ايرليفت با لوله غير يکنواخت و کاربرد آن در جريان چندفازي
- 3- فصل سوم:
- مدلسازي عددي پمپ ايرليفت مخروطي
- 4- فصل چهارم:
- مدلسازي تجربي براي پمپ ايرليفت با مقطع يکنواخت، نتايج تجربي و جمعبندي
- 5- مراجع و مآخذ
- 6- ضمائم
- Introduction
- Governing equations
- Grid specification
- Results and discussion
- Conclusion
- References