Simulating Structure Formation in Modified Newtonian Dynamics
Mirkamali, Maryam Sadat | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42192 (04)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Physics
- Advisor(s): Rahvar, Sohrab
- Abstract:
- We simulated the structure formation in the context of Modified Newtonian Dynamics with the spherical collapse model. We supposed a spherical region with mass of galactic order, positive density contrast and uniform distribution of matter as the initial condition and investigated the evolution of its internal regions, containing different amounts of matter. We began the simulation when the region was in Newtonian regime. The overdense region, which expands with cosmic fluid in Newtonian regime, gradually enters MONDian regime and gets separated from the background due to its stronger central acceleration; then it collapses and virializes after some swings. The density distribution of the final structure is not uniform; it is more concentrated in the center and decreases toward the boundary. In MONDian cosmology the equality epoch happens in a lower redshift in comparison to Newtonian cosmology and at the beginning of structure formation, the radiation is a noticeable component of the cosmic fluid. Simulations show that radiation has a great role both during the structure formation and in the final features of the structure. Results confirm the hierarchical structure formation, in which the smaller structures form earlier and are older than the bigger ones. Our simulation surprisingly exhibits that final structures are elliptical, although the initial condition is spherically symmetric
- Keywords:
- Structure Formation ; Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) ; Dark Matter ; Spherical Collapse
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