Synthesis and Recognition of a Nano- Composite Ceramic Membrane for Hydrogen Purification
Amanipour, Mahdi | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42194 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Safe Kordi, Ali Akbar
- Abstract:
- In this work, we have tried to synthesize, recognize and evaluate the performance of a composite ceramic membrane to purify hydrogen and obtain high H2 separation values from other gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen at high operating temperatures (837- 1073 K). The membrane was prepared by modification of a tubular alpha- alumina support with a series of gamma- alumina layers using sol- gel method. The membrane was then covered with a Nano-composite silica- alumina layer using CVD method. The thickness of this layer is estimated to be around 80- 100 nm and with a completely dense structure. EDX, XRD, DLS, BET and mercury porosietery analysis plus SEM and FESEM images were carried out to characterize the membrane. Different operating conditions like temperature and the composition of the top layer were changed to evaluate the performance of the membrane. Also, hydrothermal stability tests were carried out to determine membrane stability under humidity at harsh operating conditions. The resulting membrane showed a high permeation flux in the range of 10-6-10-7 mol/ m2.s.Pa and high hydrogen selectivity of around 250-600 over other gases.
- Keywords:
- Ceramic Membrane ; Hydrogen ; Purification
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