
Gaining Competitive Advantages on E-CRM in Financial Institutions in Iran Through B2B Model

Shahbaz Keshvari, Rozita | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 42231 (54)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  5. Department: Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Miremadi, Alireza; Amini Lari, Mansour
  7. Abstract:
  8. Due to violent and ferocious competition and global changes of new trends, directions and new ways of doing business, financial institutions grapple with new challenges and opportunities in today business. The advancement in technology, information and communication has forced banks and financial institutions into hard competition. In this new era technology, people as the customer are the elements on which the banks are concentrating them to manage customer relationship. In this complicated situation, Electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) is seen applicatory and beneficial solution to improve customers‟ service, develop a profitable and long term relationship and retain valuable customers. E-CRM results from the consolidation of traditional CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with the e-business applications in marketplace. This research is built up from understanding the core attributes which construct the E-CRM in Iran Financial Institutions. The main reasons that this research has been chosen, is reaching the elements which have operative effect on customer satisfaction and its effect on banking performance, apprehending how business customers are led in successful relationship with banks. Furthermore, the research provides opportunity for managers to evaluate, and analyze not only their own performance in implementation of E-CRM in the financial institutions, but also identify their effectiveness and feebleness with the aim of improving better management. On the other hand, performing this study brings about the prominent comparison between managers and business customers‟ perception to offer the right service in the right manner in the right time. This study includes the methodology, and questionnaire composition, so that its duplication by others can be performed easily.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Competitive Advantage ; Electronic Customer Relationship Management ; Electronic Commerce ; Business to Business Model

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