
Using Flush Tank to Remove Sedimentation from Pipes

Matinpour, Hadis | 2011

530 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 42282 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Borgheei, Mahmmoud
  7. Abstract:
  8. One of the common and frequent problems in sewer systems is sediment deposit in the pipes and conduits. In a sewer system, most of the pipes experience extensive fluctuations of flow rate during their operation. There could be high and low flows of fluids passing through the pipe. In the former, solid particles will pass through the pipe because of the high velocity of the flow, while in the latter, velocity of the flow is lower than the self cleaning velocity. Lower velocities of flow lead to deposition of solid particles inside the pipe. As a result, several problems such as decrease of pipe capacity, lower velocity and system over flow happen. A promising solution to overcome this problem is using flush tanks, in which a huge controlled external source of water is suddenly released in the pipe. This flow generates a considerable shear stress that helps washing the sediment inside the piping system. There are numerous literatures studding the history and hydraulic of flush tanks, effect of flush tanks on washing the channels, efficient position of flush tanks in sewer systems, efficiency of flush tank sediment removal and effect of gates washing on channels and pipes. In this work, the performance of flush tanks in sediment removal has been studied experimentally. The test variables include; pipe diameter, pipe slope, Median grain size of sediment and amount of released water. Dimensionless analysis showed effective dimensionless parameters on removal sediment. The length of the experimental section is about 8 meters. Besides, to investigate the effect of the pipe slope on the sediment transport distance, experiments were designed to be carried out with three different pipe slopes (0, 0.5, and %1) and to investigate the effect of the pipe diameter on the sediment transport distance, experiments were designed to be carried out with two different pipe diameters (2.5, 3.5). Results show that distance of sediment movement increase when pipe slope increase or pipe diameter decrease and distance of sediment movement increase with increase of Median grain size
  9. Keywords:
  10. Sedimentation Movement Distance ; Flush Tunk ; Pipe Slope ; Pipe Diameter ; Median Grain Size

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