
The Effect of Polarization in Edge detection in Dispersive Medium

Feiz, Mohammad Sadegh | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 42294 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Amjadi, Ahmad
  7. Abstract:
  8. Introduction: Today, backward and forward scattering tomography of dispersive medium is of great interest because of its broad applications, especially in medical imaging, of breast cancer, Distinguishing different tissues of the body from each other is one of the necessities. Increasing the quality of the image by just a few percents has great improvement on the tomography resolution.
    Materials and Methods: In this project we made phantom of the tissue and tumor from Intralipid 10% plus Agarose and Indian ink for soft tissue and plastic fibers as tumor having birefringence factor of 0.001.After putting the plastic tumor in soft tissue phantom, the polarized white light and a digital camera were employed to produce differential image by rotating the polarizers.
    Conclusion: Analyses has shown that for studying sample with thickness of 1.5 mm, in a 5mm soft tissue phantom, the signal to noise ratio has been improved 0.033dB.This improvement will be increased to 0.061dB by applying noise reduction methods to our data. This conclusions is very effective in brease cancer examines, because aggregation of collagens can start to build up a cancerous tumor with reasonable birefringence percentage in breast.
    Discussion: In this project, the polarization of light is of great importance, although the light path is very short, but changing the polarization can improve the data quality significantly. If the phantom has birefringence property, in differential image, processing the signal to noise ratio increases significantly.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Disperssive Medium ; Birefringence ; Polarization ; Tomography

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