Structural-Geotechnical Interactions in Piled Raft Foundations (Prf) Design for High Rise Buildings Under Earthquake Loading
Eslami, Mohammad | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 42330 (53)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi
- Abstract:
- It has been realized that the raft (mat) foundations are capable of bearing very large loads when they are assisted with a pile group. The contribution of both raft and piles to carry the surcharge loads is taken into account, considering the stiffness and strength of involved elements in the system, i.e. piles, raft and surrounding soil. Piles are usually required to ensure the stability of the foundation and to act as settlement reducers especially for high rise buildings. The present study focuses on both kinematic and inertial effects of piled foundations and piled raft foundations under earthquake loading. The Finite Element Method (FEM) via ABAQUS will be used as an appropriate tool to develop numerical models and to study the seismic response of pile groups and piled raft foundations in the time domain by considering the nonlinearity of the soil medium. It has been tried to develop a Finite Element model to study soil-pile-structure interactions for piled raft foundations. Results of parametric study and verification of models indicate the improved response of piled raft foundations in comparison with the similar pile groups under earthquake loads. Moreover, by considering a 31 storey high rise building based on a piled raft foundation supported by sandy soil and containing 108 cast in place piles, the response of the soil-pile-structure interactions were observed. Achievements show the improving effects of considering the SPSI interactions in seismic response. By reasonable outcomes in this criterion, it is recommended to consider such interactions in future codes and foundation design approaches
- Keywords:
- High Structures ; Finite Element Method ; Seismic Loading ; Charge Efficiency ; Structured-Geotechnical Interaction ; Piled-Raft Foundations (PRF)
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