Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of Endohedral Fullerenes Prepared by Arc Vaporizing Method
Hashemi, Ali | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42445 (03)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemistry
- Advisor(s): Ghanbari, Bahram
- Abstract:
- Fullerenes are molecular solid materials which are composed of 3D closed shell carbon-only structure. As soon as mass production of fullerenes was performed, the synthesis and characterization of endohedral fullerenes having at least one non-carbon element in the hollow fullerene cage, was started (in which about 30 atoms inserted in it so far). Furthermore, because of low efficiency and purity of these nano-particles, nowadays characterization of fullerenes is one of the most important research fields. In this project, we firstly optimized the fullerene production parameters in an arc discharge reactor to reach convenient efficiency. Then, the synthesis of endohedral fullerene by vaporizing the composite lanthanum oxide graphite rod was undertaken. After extraction of fullerenes from soot, their characterization by UV-visible spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis as well as ESI mass spectormetery. Moreover, cyclic voltammetry method was appllied to detect lanthanum endohedral fullerene using the glassy carbon electrodes, in order to probe and trace it in its solution
- Keywords:
- Fullerene ; Cyclic Voltammetry ; Fullerene Nano Particle ; Endohedral Fullerene Synthesis ; Fullerene Characterization
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