
Upscaling Dynamic Model of Reservoir Using Wavelets

Nekoei, Hashem | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41390 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza; Rasaie, Mohammad Reza
  7. Abstract:
  8. Fluid flow simulation in heterogeneous, full field porous media, like hydrocarbon reservoirs and underground aquifers usually requires multimillion block models, demanding unpractical computation times. Massive researches have been conducted to upscale these fine grid models to coarse models with manageable block numbers. Many upscaling methods have been proposed. These methods differs regarding their gridding techniques (uniform/ structured or disordered), general applicability (process dependency), maximum coursing level achievable, accuracy of the method and their speed-up factor and extend from simple arithmetic averaging to complicated numerical methods. Applying a very powerful analyzing tool, known as wavelet functions, we proposed a new process-independent upscaling method for two phase immiscible flows in porous media. Mathematically speaking, wavelets are compactly-supported wavy functions with multiresolution analyze ability, ideal to analyze, filter, compress, and upscale any string of data sets in different levels of resolution. Since permeability distribution in a hydrocarbon reservoir has the most important effect on fluid flow pattern in the reservoir, here in this thesis, we consider the geological permeability map as the base property to apply multiresolution wavelet transformation on it and generate upscaled grid to use as dynamic fluid flow simulation model. The methodology is to keep the resolved structure or limit the upscaling level in high permeable areas of the reservoir which control the mail flow path and upscale the rest of the reservoir in different levels. In addition to high permeable paths, near well regions also experience very rapid changes during the course of simulation. To capture these rapid variations in upscaled models, we kept the resolved structure around each well as well. Consequently, a nonuniform grid will be generated which coarsened intelligently at different levels and contains all the important information of geological model. A novel combination of fully implicit and Implicit Pressure-Explicit Saturation (IMPES) formulations developed to use the stability property of fully implicit method near the well regions and computation cost-effective advantage of IMPES in the rest of the reservoir. This upscaling method applied to different two phase oil/water displacement processes in 2D and 3D models and the results compared to that of the original geological models. Very good agreement between upscaled and fine models observed in term of average behavior and breakthrough times. Since no special assumption regarding the physical mechanism occurring in the reservoir (dominance of viscous, capillary and gravity forces) considered in the upscaling procedure, the method has general applicability in all processes. It has no limitation regarding the maximum coursing level achievable and two to three orders of magnitude of speed up factors can be obtained
  9. Keywords:
  10. Reservior Simulation ; Upscaling ; Dynamics Models ; Static Models ; Wavelet Transform ; Threshold Coefficient

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