
Study on Base Isolation Codes and New Regulation Proposal

Nabavi, Vahid | 2011

774 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41393 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Bakhshi, Ali
  7. Abstract:
  8. Seismic isolation is a method for seismic-resistant design of structures against earthquake and is one of the important control of structures technologies. Codification and publishing of codes for design of seismic isolation takes place widely since 1980s and this codification has undergone extensive evolutions during its developing process. In this project initially the developing process and fundamentals of codifying regulations of seismic design have been investigated and then the developing process of codifying regulations of seismic isolation in current important international codes like ASCE7-05, Eurocode 8, and Japanese code has also been considered. After considering these two sections and also considering the Iranian code of practice for seismic resistant design of buildings or Standard No. 2800 of Iran, new regulation for seismic isolation design has been suggested that is compatible with Standard No. 2800 of Iran and is based on fundamentals of codifying regulations of seismic isolation design. During this process, soil classification, magnitude and shape of unreduced elastic response spectra, and reduction factor due to damping ratio are compared, and differences and similarities are discussed. The ultimate objective of this project is to verify the proposed regulations with performing equivalent static analysis and time history analysis. Also with extending the fundamentals of codifying regulations of seismic isolation design and with the help of equivalent static analysis and time history analysis results, study the uncertainties and challenges of current codes of seismic isolation design such as equal isolator displacement demands for structures with different dynamic specifications due to Eurocode 8 and discussable reduction factors in Japanese code, and after that present proposals considering source of these uncertainties and challenges. For the ultimate phase, the design spectra are developed for buildings located in comparable seismic regions in different countries. The structures include 6-story and 13-story steel buildings on stiff, medium and soft soil sites. Lead rubber bearings are used as isolation system in structures. The design process is discussed from the step of determining the ground motion records, through the step of scaling records and ultimately the step of output results. At the end, it is shown that in the most of the codes including new proposed regulations for Iran, ELF regulations provide relatively accurate predictions of shear force and isolator displacement demands for a range of isolator properties and ground motions representative of stiff, medium and soft soil conditions that this predictions match acceptably the mean of time history analysis results
  9. Keywords:
  10. Seismic Isolation ; Equivalent static Analysis ; Time History Analysis ; Seismic Design Codes ; Codes Studying ; New Regulation Proposal

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