
Integration of Design and Manufacturing Systems Using Neutral Data Structure

Mokhtar, Alireza | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41439 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Hooshmand, Mahmoud
  7. Abstract:
  8. In competitive environment of quick market changes, developing an interoperable manufacturing system is a necessity. Process planning as a connection link between design and manufacturing, has never been able to integrate these up/down stream activities and in spite of employing computer systems, CAPP’s information has been managed in an isolated manner. To realize interoperability, the exchange of part and product data must be independent of their platforms. There are two basic approaches for this purpose: i) Utilizing interface and ii) Utilizing neutral formats. STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product data) plays a significant role as a neutral data model to integrate design, manufacturing and other activities in an enterprise. To implement a universal manufacturing platform, a systematic roadmap is required. The current paper proposes such a roadmap using the methodology of axiomatic design (AD). Determining the precedence of machining features is a critical issue in feature-based process planning. It becomes more complex when geometric interaction occurs between machining features. STEP-NC, the extension of STEP (ISO 10303) standard developed for CNC controllers, is a feature-based data model. It represents all the geometric and topological product data minus feature interactions. In this paper, machining precedence of interactive and non-interactive STEP-NC features is discussed. Local and global precedence of machining features are defined on the basis of geometric constraints, such as geometric interaction of features and feature approach face and technological constraint such as access direction of the cutting tool. A software tool has been developed to visualize the STEP-NC part model and to generate the graphs of feature interaction and feature precedence. The output can be then used to augment the STEP-NC data in order to generate the optimal sequence of operations. In today’s competitive markets, the manufacturers are seeking for the most economical method of manufacturing to supply the products with demanded quality and in a short time. This goal cannot be obtained if there is no integration between the activities of manufacturing organizations. Many researchers have been done to support the integration to design and manufacturing of the mechanical parts. One of the attempts is recognition of machining features in a part or component and assigning the right manufacturing process to it. This paper intends to discuss how this approach has been followed in recent two decades and what the main challenges ahead of future researchers are. Determining the precedence of machining features is a critical issue in feature-based process planning. It becomes more complex when geometric interaction occurs between machining features. STEP-NC, the extension of STEP (ISO 10303) standard developed for CNC controllers, is a feature-based data model. It represents all the geometric and topological product data minus feature interactions. In this paper, machining precedence of interactive and non-interactive STEP-NC features is discussed. Local and global precedence of machining features are defined on the basis of geometric constraints, such as geometric interaction of features and feature approach face and technological constraint such as access direction of the cutting tool. A software tool has been developed to visualize the STEP-NC part model and to generate the graphs of feature interaction and feature precedence. The output can be then used to augment the STEP-NC data in order to generate the optimal sequence of operations. After introduction and implementation of two proposed architectures, a combinational approach is proposed which benefits the merits of the earlier structures. Process planning and feature recognition agents as the two CAD/CAM modules are installed on the interoperable platform in the hybrid system. For each demonstrated prototype, appropriate case studies are designed and verified
  9. Keywords:
  10. Axiomatic Design ; Computer Aided Design (CAD) ; Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) ; Data Integration ; ISO 10303 (STEP)Standard ; Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)Integration ; Machining Process Planning ; Feature Interaction

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