- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41463 (19)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghodsi, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- This thesis focuses on design of various strategies to maximize sellers’ profits in different social markets where agents’ behaviors and decisions are greatly influenced by their network friends. We introduce different social networks with various properties and present models to analyze the agents’ behaviors. We also study different pricing strategies for each model and design algorithms for sellers in order to maximize their profits. Furthermore, we study the prediction markets where agents with different points of views participate in the market. Each agent invests in the market with respect to her information. We propose a model for these markets which are both predictable and applicable. In order to maximize the market maker’s profit, we present algorithms for her to find best agents for negotiation. In summary, this thesis studies the profit maximization problem in: 1) markets with public price and myopic buyers, 2) markets when buyers arrive online and seller should offer each buyer a price, 3) markets with public price and strategic buyers, 4) markets with public price and semi-strategic buyers; in these markets buyers do not have complete information about the market and may made a noisy decision, and 5) prediction markets with a simple language for investing in the market
- Keywords:
- Algorithm ; Game Theory ; Social Networks ; Optimization ; Profit Maximization ; Social Markets
- محتواي پايان نامه
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- فهرست مطالب
- فهرست شکلها
- فهرست جدولها
- مقدمه
- پیشینه ریاضی و تعاریف اولیه
- قیمتگذاری با قیمت عمومی
- بازارهای برخط
- بازار با افراد هوشمند
- بازار با افراد هوشمند ولی بدون اطلاعات کامل
- بازارهای پیشبینی : شرطبندی بر روی جایگشت
- مقالههای حاصل از این تحقیق
- مراجع
- واژهنامه فارسی به انگلیسی
- واژهنامه انگلیسی به فارسی