
Call Admission Control Schemes in WiMAX Networks

Mokhtari, Zeinab | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41467 (19)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Computer Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Beigy, Hamid
  7. Abstract:
  8. The rapid growth of broadband wireless access (BWA) has increased the demand of new  application  such  as  VoIP,  video  conferencing,  online  gaming  each  of  which  has  different requirement for quality of service. Due to limited bandwidth provided for these networks,  one  of  the  most  important  issues  is  how  effective  we  manage  bandwidth  in  order to support requests. The quality of service is an important indicator of the effective management  of  bandwidth.  Using  mechanisms  of  call  admission  control is  a  commonly  accepted method for balance between quality of service and increase of utilization resource  in  cellular  mobile  networks.  In  fact,  call  admission  control  is  responsible  to  making decision about accepting or rejecting a request or a new connection. WiMAX is the  communication  and  wireless  digital  system  that  can  provide  desirable  quality  of  service for different types of traffic, particularly for real time services with broad‐bandwidth wireless connection. In this network, the call admission control uses to control the various traffic loads and prevent network overflow and it is very important to support quality of service. In the WiMAX networks, when a new connection request arrives at the base  station,  the  connection  admission  control  (CAC)  mechanism  takes  the  decision  whether to accept the connection or reject the connection. The connection will be accepted if and only if the minimal requirements for that request can be satisfied by the network. Call admission control algorithm is a open issue and effective manner to ensure quality of services. In  this  thesis,  four  call  admission  control  algorithms  have  been  proposed  which  consist of single threshold with complete sharing call admission control, three threshold call admission control, three thresholds with complete sharing call admission control and three thresholds with complete sharing & borrowing capability call admission control. In these algorithms, all four classes of WiMAX service have considered. The purpose of each algorithm  is  improvement  of  utilization  and  effectiveness  use  of  bandwidth  and  also  reduction of new call blocking probability. In algorithms with complete sharing, the unused portion of bandwidth that reserved for high priority connections giving to lower priority  connections  in  order  to  better  use  of  bandwidth  and  prevent  of  useless  bandwidth. High priority connections in three thresholds with complete sharing & borrowing  capability  call  admission  control  algorithm  provide  the  possibility  of  their  acceptance in network with borrowing of bandwidth from lower priority, so reduces the new high priority call blocking probability. The  proposed  algorithms  have  evaluated  by  simulation  and  the  results  show  that  bandwidth sharing cause effective use of limited wireless resource and increase utilization  of  bandwidth.  Borrowing  bandwidth  causes  to  reduce  new  high  priority  call  blocking
  9. Keywords:
  10. Wireless Networks ; Call Admission Control ; Service Quality ; Institute Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)802.16 Standard ; Wordwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WIMAX)Networks

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