
Evaluation of the Damage to Steel MRF Structures Under Near Field Earthquake Pulses Using a Performance-Based Design Approach

Mousavi, Fatemeh Sadat | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 42730 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Rahimzadeh Rofooei, Fayaz
  7. Abstract:
  8. Research on the characteristics of the near field earthquakes has been very popular in recent years due to the considerable damages they have caused to the structures located within the vicinity of seismic sources. The incapability of response spectra for structural damage assessment has been revealed through recent investigations. The recorded data show that the near field earthquakes are often accompanied by a large energy pulse in the beginning of the records caused by the so-called directivity phenomenon. That has encouraged many researchers to study the possibility of using the velocity pulse of these records to evaluate the imposed seismic demands on structures. Thus, investigating the difference between the structural response under the original earthquake records and their equivalent velocity pulse is of great importance. This study aims at comparing the structural damages of the steel moment resisting frame (MRF) structures caused by the near field earthquake records and their equivalent pulse models from a performance based point of view. A set of near field earthquake records (normal to fault component) scaled according to ASCE7-(2005) requirements, along with their equivalent velocity pulse models generated using Papageorgiou’s method are used for nonlinear dynamic time history analyses. A number of 3-D structural models with different number of stories that are designed using the strength methods are used for this purpose. The sensitivity of the structural response to the predominant frequency of the pulse is also investigated. Park and Ang damage index is considered for quantitative measurement of the damages inflicted to the structural models. Maximum values of inter-story drifts along with the local and global damage indices are used in the performance assessment process. The results show an acceptable approximatation of structural response under original near field record and its equivalent pulse model
  9. Keywords:
  10. Near-Field Earthquake ; Velocity Pulse ; Nonlinear Analysis ; Performance Based Design ; Damage Assessment

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