
The Impact Of Households Characteristics To Their Use Of Banking Services In Urban Areas Of Iran

esfandiari, Marzieh | 2012

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 42786 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Nili, Farhad
  7. Abstract:
  8. The purpose of this research is the extraction of socio-economic factors (separation of household and household members) that affect the use of banking services in urban area of Iran. In this study we used data of the "family access to financial services in urban areas of Iran in 1387" that has been sampled by the department of economic statistics of central bank of Iran. The statistical information of this organization is in form of completed questionnaires and based on household addresses in a city and contains of 6055 urban household's information. In this project 15922 persons have been studied in urban households include the caretaker and the other family members. In addition to calculating the probability of using of banking services, according to socio- economic characteristics of household, the qualitative probit model is used. Model results show that household characteristics such as gender, age, education, quartile cost, city location, marriage status, member type in household, activity status, employment status and using of other banking services are effective factors on using a variety of banking services. The research suggests that in urban areas of Iran, men use more from banking services. Age with positive gradient increases the use, and after that, aging results reduced use. In addition, higher level of educaton and household cost, results more use of banking services. About the marriage status, divorced and widowed people use banking services more than single or married people. Furthermore, within the family, wife, children and the other members, use banking services less than the caretaker. Also in terms of employment status, unemployed persons, housewives and students, have fewer bank account and active cards, and pensioners and tenants use more than employment people. Finally, people who have saving account, current deposit, and investment deposit respectively use more from banking cards. Also having a bank account has a positive impact on the use of other bank accounts. When we limit sample to employed people, people with university education, caretakers and Tehran residents, education and household's cost level remains one of the determinants of their use of banking services. While some of these features are not effective any more, and the impact of subgroup's characteristics dominates these features. Some interesting results obtained in these subgroups are: in the case of employed people, caretakers and residents of Tehran, the gender effect disappears and the use of these subgroups and gender are irrelevant, But in the case of people with university education, men use more than women. Higher education for women compared with men has greater impact on their use of banking services. However, employed women's use has no relationship with their education and being employed has been dominated the impact of their education. Although divorced and widowed people use banking cards more than married people, in the case of people with university education and employed people, their use of banking services and their marriage status are irrelevant. University education and employment dominate the
    marriage status.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Probit Model ; Socio-Economic Properties ; Iranian Urban Households ; Access to Banking Services

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