
P-Wave Holographic Superconductor Phase Transition

Akhavan, Amin | 2012

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 42928 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Arfaei, Hessamaddin; Alishahiha, Mohsen
  7. Abstract:
  8. In the present thesis, two subjects have been studied. In the first one we introduce the theory of holographic superconductors. Using the gauge/gravity correspondence, many of the features of perconductors will be explored. Analyzing the five-dimensional AdS gravity coupled to a gauge field and a charged scalar field, we can recognize the system undergoes a superconductor/insulator transition at zero temperature and critical chemical potential.We consider the backreaction effects to construct the complete phase diagram for the system. For a determined chemical potential there are typically two phase transitions as the temperature is lowered.we also discuss the zero temperature limit of a p-wave holographic superconductor.there is a non-Abelian SU⑵ gauge fields minimally coupled to gravity. And the solution is a smooth soliton with zero horizon size. such a system has a hard gap.Finally using a five dimensional AdS soliton in an Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with SU⑵ gauge group we study p-wave holographic insulator/superconductor phase transition. To explore the phase structure of the model we consider back reacted solutions. We will also study zero temperature limit of the p-wave holographic superconductor in four dimensions. In the second subject, we study nonrelativistic fermions holography. Using Gravity/Schrodinger Field correspondence, we will calculate the two point function of nonrelativistic fermnions. For this purpose, we will study Dirac equation in gravitational background, and by checking the solution near r = 0, we can have two point function behavior of the fermions living on r = 0under space
  9. Keywords:
  10. Phase Transition ; P-Wave Holographic Superconductor ; Zero Temperature ; Nonrelativistic Two Point Function

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