
Laboratory Investigation For Unsymmetric Rectangular Weir

Aghazadeh, Pooya | 2012

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 43109 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Borghei, Mahmood
  7. Abstract:
  8. Sharp crested weirs are one of the main and oldest means of measuring discharge in water conveyance systems. Many studies have been done on sharp rectangular weirs and have provided many relationships regarding the effect of geometric parameters and various factors on discharge coefficient of the weirs.In some places, due to existence of obstacles or barriers in the channel, it is impossible to create a symmetrical continuous weir some other cases,multiple or asymmetric weirs should be used, which is the main concept of this project.Since it seems unlikely that a purely mathematical model can review the impact of the multiplicity and asymmetry of these weirs without using empirical coefficients, the main objective of this research is to study discharge coefficient of asymmetric rectangular weirs using experimental model.In this research, 15 and 20 cm sharp crested rectangular weirs were placed across the channel in different positions in 46 different cases, the discharge coefficient for these weirs were obtained with the measurement of the height of water and discharge over the weir.The results show that factors such as the proximity of weirs to the center of channel, width of weirs, symmetry,distribution and number of weirs have influence on the discharge coefficient of weirs. Regarding these factors, position of weir multiplied by the width of weir divided by channel width squared was chosen as the distinguishing dimensionless parameter of the experimental cases and the best function through test's data was obtained. finally equations item parameter are provided. although being a new subject more data and experimental set-up surely would needed
  9. Keywords:
  10. Experimental Model ; Rectangular Weir ; Unsymmetric Weir ; Multi Weir

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