
Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Experimental Study of a Large Organs Laparoscopic Surgery Instrument with Tactile Sensing

Mirbagheri, Alireza | 2012

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 43180 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Farahmand, Farzam
  7. Abstract:
  8. In order to perform laparoscopic surgery of large intra-abdominal organs with minimum trauma on patient’s body, an endoscopic tool is designed, analyzed and fabricated in this project. This instrument is capable of passing through a 10mm incision point on patient’s abdomen and then be opened to grasp and hold large organs up to 80mm in diameter. It acts as a miniature hand with three fingers which are opened and closed parallel with each other. Using this tool, there will be no need for a 7-9 cm incision for entering surgeon hand which is required in hand assisted laparoscopic surgery method. In order to evaluate the capability of the tool in grasping and manipulating large organs, the handheld prototype of the tool is used to assess the force distribution from handle to fingers and the interaction between the tool and the large organ in the presence of pull forces. The results confirmed the finite element model of grasping a large organ using this instrument and hyper-viscoelastic properties of the soft tissue. Furthermore, the capability of the tool in grasping and manipulating soft large organs – both artificial and natural dead organs – in wet and oily environment is proven in the simulated laparoscopic surgery phantom. Then, the tool is used in laparoscopic Splenectomy on an alive dog in the Tehran University of Medical Sciences Animal Lab; the surgery was successfully performed.
    In order to facilitate the functionality of the tool, it is equipped by an electrical motor as well as tactile sensors below the fingers. By doing so, the tool can be used either as an independent handheld robotic instrument or as a part of a telesurgery robotic system. In case of using as a handheld instrument, by equipping the handle with a force command key and applying the proposed grasping algorithm based on pinch force, the surgeon can directly sense and control the interaction forces between the tool and the organ. The innovation behind this part is the simplicity of provision of haptic sense for a handheld robotic surgery instrument.
    Finally, the functionality of the tool is evaluated by implementing it in SINA telesurgery robotic system. The control algorithms of the tool is designed and implemented considering three proposed grasping strategies, including: grasping diameter, grasping forces, and auto-grasping scheme based on the tool-organ interaction model. At the end, the functionality of the tool and the three proposed grasping strategies are statistically analyzed in several human experiments by using the tool and the primary prototype of the SINA robotic surgery system. The results show that, among the three grasping strategies, the auto-grasping method exerts minimum forces to the organs and therefore is considered to be the safest strategy for grasping of large organs
  9. Keywords:
  10. Robotic Telesurgery ; Large Organs Grasper ; Haptic Feedback ; Robotic Laparascopic Instrument ; Tactile Sensing

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