Pore Scale Modeling of Gravity Drainage in Fractured Porous Media
Mehrizadeh, Masoud | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43424 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein
- Abstract:
- Most of oil content, especially in Iran, has been reserved in fractured reservoirs, so study and modeling of production mechanism of these reservoirs are great of importance. Gravity drainage is one of these effective production mechanisms in fractured porous media which dynamic pore scale modeling of this mechanism will lead to better understanding of it. In this work, the effects of variety of parameters such as oil gravity, interfacial tension between oil and gas, pore and throat size distribution, fracture aperture, and block to block interaction (capillary continuity and reinfiltartion) have been investigated. So developed simulator in this work has two main and separated parts, which first part models single block fractured porous media and second part model double block fractured porous media which contains one horizontal fracture between two block and two vertical fractures around the blocks. Results show that ultimate oil recovery factor of double block fractured system is more than single block fractured porous media and no fractured single block porous media. Also because of block to block interaction (capillary continuity and reinfiltarion) recovery factor of upper block in double block is more than lower block and recovery factor difference between upper and lower block is increasing with decreasing of fracture aperture. Because of capillary threshold height in vertical fractures no breakthrough occur in either of double and single block, but when interfacial between oil and gas decreases lower than specific quantity (in this work lower than (3mN/m) gas breakthrough occur in fractured model and causes to a lower recovery factor in comparing to no fractured porous media
- Keywords:
- Fractured Reservoirs ; Gravity Drainage Mechanism ; Capillary Continuing ; Pore-Scale Model ; Reinfiltration
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