A Detailed Study on Extraction of Uranium from Mother Leach Liquor (of Uranium Mills) by TOA Extractant and Development of a Thermodynamical Model for it
Khorshidsavar, Hadi | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43666 (46)
- University: Sharif Universityof Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad; Safdari, Jaber; Mallah, Hassan
- Abstract:
- In many uranium mines such as gachin-bandarabbas, sulfuric acid is used for leaching operation on ore after crushing operation. This leach liquor, containing uranium, is extracted by specific solvent, including extractant like TOA. However, this operation, named Amex, have been used for many years, there is a vacancy for a detailed thermodynamical studying on uranium extraction from leach liquor.To have a thermodynamical model, we need information about the equilibrium concentration of all the components that may have effect on uranium extraction and also concentration of solvent, pH, phase ratio and activity coefficient alteration. This model must have the ability to predict the equilibrium concentration in all cases of operation. On this purpose, firstly the equilibrium constant was calculated in base of acceptable error at initial pH=1 & 1.5; in the second step these constants should be verified by predicting equilibrium concentration , using calculated equilibrium constant, and comparison with the experimental equilibrium data at initial pH=0&0.5. We achieved good results by using bromley equation.Beside this equation, we used Meissner model that was not a good match for experimental results.All the calculation are run in Matlab program.Also, equilibrium constant was compared with extracting constant and the result shows for extracting of uranium upper than 20 percent, the extracting constant become constant with a specific value different from equilibrium constant. In other words, the activity coefficient has no much alteration.At the end, the thermodynamical parameter such as Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy were calculated
- Keywords:
- Solvent Extraction ; Thermodynamic Model ; Tri-N-Octylamine
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