A Single-Phase to Three-Phase Matrix Converter to Control Three-Phase Induction Motor
Najmi, Vahid | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43707 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mokhtari, Hossein
- Abstract:
- converters, the different configurations for matrix converters are proposed. In this thesis, a one-phase to three-phase matrix converter is used to control in three-phase induction motor. Different control methods are proposed to control the induction motor. The novel control methods include close loop speed and converter output current controls of induction motor are proposed based on SPWM. The structure of indirect matrix converter for the mentioned application also investigated. Moreover, three usual method of control of induction motor: DTC (Direct Torque Control), FOC (Field Oriented Control) and Space Vector Modulation are applied to the single to three- phase matrix converter. Each of the methods is simulated using MATLAB-Simulink and then the results are compared with each other and the state that the three-phase power supply is available and the induction motor is fed by it. Also, the economical analysis is carried out to find out the amount of cost saving by STMC (Single to Three-phase Matrix Converter) respect to the conventional back to back converters. At the end, the experimental analysis is carried out to open loop control of induction motor by STMC to validate the simulation results
- Keywords:
- Matrix Converter ; Direct Torque Control ; Space Vector Modulation ; Field Oriented Controller ; Three Phase Induction Motors
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