Management of Storage Resources, Power, and Performance in Enterprise Storage Systems Using Prefetching Method
Ramezani, Kaveh | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43735 (19)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Advisor(s): Asadi, Hossein
- Abstract:
- Nowadays, enterprise storage systems are widely used in data centers such as databases, servers, and bank institutes. Due to mechanical activity of disk drives, these systems are one of the most power consumptive components in data centers. Prefetching and RAID, which are employed to enhance performance, are widely used in data storage systems. These two methods, however, impose significant energy overhead to the system due to the increased disk activity. In this thesis, we first elaborate shortcomings of prefetching and RAID methods. Then, we propose a new energy efficient and RAID-compatible prefetching method (LPTAP), which aims at improving performance and energy consumption. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method, we have implemented a power model in DiskSim toolset. Then, we have evaluated performance and energy consumption using standard I/O workloads. Experimental results demonstrate that performance improvement of LPTAP as compared to non-prefetching technique varies from 14 to 20 percent while the energy consumption overhead is less than 1 percent.
- Keywords:
- Efficiency ; Power Consumption ; Prefetching ; Energy Consumption ; Data Center ; Data Storage ; Enterprise Storage Systems
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