
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Losses and Modeling Axial Flow Turbine

Hashemi, Ahmad | 2012

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 43921 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Hajilouy-Benisi, Ali
  7. Abstract:
  8. Prediction of axial flow turbine’s performance with different operating conditions due to the high costs and lack of reliable empirical data is always under developing. In this type of turbine, fluid flow is three-dimensional, viscous and highly turbulent. Nowadays, although a relatively detailed picture of the flow field can be obtained by the computational and numerical tools, but using of appropriate loss models in one-dimensional modeling for the performance prediction as well as optimization of the turbine in initial design phases, is a common trend.
    In the current study, aerodynamic losses in the axial flow turbine are investigated. Several loss models for the axial flow turbines are reviewed and compared. One-dimensional modeling of axial flow turbine is performed using these loss models and operating characteristics of the turbine are obtained. So, profile loss, secondary loss, leakage loss and the effects of various factors on the losses are investigated in the design and off-design points. For three-dimensional flow modeling of the turbine, software is used. A comparison between the results of one-dimensional models with three-dimensional modeling results indicate that in the former, energy losses are over estimated. In order to evaluate the modeling results, experimental results of existing gas turbine in the gas turbine laboratory are used. Comparisons of modeling results with experimental results show good agreement in design condition, while, they deviate in off-design conditions. Finally, in order to investigate the aerodynamic performance of axial flow turbine stator blade rows, the cascade test is programed. Therefore, a cascade test rig is designed and constructed, and the total pressure loss and flow field in the cascade exit is investigated using a five-hole probe
  9. Keywords:
  10. Axial Flow Turbine ; One-Dimentional Modeling ; Three Dimensional Modeling ; Experimental Results ; Axial Flow Turbine ; Loss Model ; Cascade Test

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