
Exposure Level of Vehicle Cabins to Particulate Matter and Gaseous Contaminations: Experimental Investigation and Theoretical Modeling of Influential Factors

Delavarrafiee, Maryam | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 43986 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Arhami, Mohammad
  7. Abstract:
  8. Mobile Sources are the main source of air pollutant emission in Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Everyday thousands of vehicles commute in roads and highways. Unfortunately, People are exposed to high level of particulate matter and gaseous contaminants in automobile cabins. Even though this environment is exposed to high pollutant concentration emitted by on-road vehicle, In comparison with other built environment, in-cabin commuter exposure and its key parameters has never been quantified.
    In general, this work entails measurement of in-cabin air quality, predicting mathematical models for calculating Air-Exchange-Rate (AER) in vehicles and on-road vehicle emission measurement. Our experimental results indicate that the average contaminant concentration in the tunnel is higher than the average highway concentration. This number is more when all windows are open compared to the experiments with closed windows and air conditioner on. Also, we predict AER models under two different ventilation setting (windows all open and window close and air conditioner on) and different vehicles with Generalized Estimation Equation model using MATLAB software. The mass balance equation has been applied to the concentration of CO2 gas as a tracer to measure AER in vehicles.
    Assessment of vehicular emission was another object of my project. We applied floating car techniques to evaluate average rate of emission factors. Concentrations of CO were measured while our car was moving with the traffic at a uniform pace. We developed our model based on mass balance equation through the Resalat tunnel, and compared our experimental results with the predicted ones using CT-EMFAC and COPERT software. We observed that our model for on-road emission of Iranian vehicles is matched to the Class ECE 15-04 in COPERT software. The calculated emission factors are very similar to the predicted ones in CT-EMFAC software for American 2005 cars
  9. Keywords:
  10. In-Cabin Commuter Exposure ; Emission Factor ; Air Pollutant Dispersion ; Carbon Monoxide Dispersion ; Traffic Tunnels

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