Study of the P-^ Effects on the Behavior of Split-Level Steel Structures
Yarahmadi, Arash | 2012
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44178 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Khansari, Vahid
- Abstract:
- Due to unusual response of structures of buildings with irregularity in their architecture to dynamic excitations, to have a comprehensive knowledge of their behavior during earthquakes is of utmost importance. Building irregularities are in general divided into two major categories, namely Irregularity in Plane and Irregularity in Elevation, and one of the forms of the latter is where there is a split in the levels of the building. In this work, through a series of case studies, the effects of P- phenomenon on the behavior of steel split-level building structures were studied. 5, 10 and 15 story buildings with 5 and 6 bays, and level splitting of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 cm were studied. All the cases were studied with and without P- effects taken into account. Moreover, all the studied cases were subjected to static and dynamic analyses. Static analyses were under Equivalent Static Earthquake Loads whereas dynamic ones were carried out using modal analysis methods. These studies revealed that a large fraction of base shear is transmitted to the building by upper level foundations. Moreover, inclusion of P- effects into the analyses increased the share of the upper level foundations from the base shear and also increased the drifts and the period of the structures by a marginal percentage. Furthermore, comparison between the internal forces and drifts obtained by the two methods of analysis, static and modal, showed good agreement between the two, when the distribution of the total equivalent static load on various levels is carried out using a special rule proposed by a former student under the supervision of the supervisor of this project (Level-Based Distribution, LBD)
- Keywords:
- Seismic Behavior ; Dynamic Analysis ; P-Delta Effect ; Split Level Buildings ; Mass Irregularity ; Load Distribution ; Equivalent static Analysis
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