Modeling of in Plane Behavior of Retrofitted Adobe Walls with Finite Element Method under Cyclic Loading
Mohammad Panah, Hossein | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44367 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Bakhshi, Ali; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali
- Abstract:
- Statistical studies indicate the fact that in Iran, like many other developing countries, a significant percentage of buildings are made of traditional materials and most of them are adobe buildings especially in rural areas. Furthermore, geological data indicates that Iran is located in alps-Himalayas seismic zone and exposed by destructive earthquakes and adobe buildings suffer the most damages comparing with other type of the structures. According to these explanations, this research deals with adobe buildings behavior and provides solutions for reinforcing them and improving the seismic response of these buildings. These studies include numerical modeling with finite elements methods by powerful FEM software, ”ABAQUS”. The models based on retrofitted walls with steel wire mesh and steel strips. Finally, by use of mentioned model’s outputs,Force-Displacement diagram for these retrofitted walls is drawn. These graphs are analyzed comparing to the graphs carried out with walls which were tested. Eventually, by using these models; based on retrofitted walls which tested before; now we could have an estimation on the behavior of different walls with different mechanical and geometrical characteristics. Parametric studies were carried out and response diviation according to terms like Friction among adobe blocks, Dead load, Shear strength of mortar, Opening facets, Brace existence and Vertical and horizontal distance between strips were examined
- Keywords:
- Adobe Walls ; Finite Element Method ; Parametric Study ; Upgrading ; Adobe Walls
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