
Scaling for Breakthrough Estimation in Anisotropic Reservoirs Using Percolation Theory Concepts

Shokri, Amir Reza | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 44395 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Masihi, Mohsen
  7. Abstract:
  8. The most common method of oil recovery is by displacement. By injecting water into wells, to push the oil to production wells, ultimately, the injected fluid breaks through at the production wells. Estimation of breakthrough time is important for the reservoir engineering calculation and the prediction of enhance recovery scenarios. Oil reservoirs are extremely complex, containing geological heterogeneities on all length scales which have a significant impact on hydrocarbon recovery. The conventional approach to investigate the reservoir performance is to build a detailed geological model, upscale it, and finally run flow simulation which is computationally very expensive. In addition, during the early stage of life of a reservoir, due to the lack of certain data, this method is usually based on analogues or rules of thumb and not detailed reservoir modelling. Therefore, there is a great intensive to produce much simpler physically-based methodologies. The main focus of this thesis is to use percolation approach to estimate the breakthrough time in reservoirs. This method considers a hypothesis that the reservoir can be split into either permeable (i.e. sand/fracture) or impermeable rocks (i.e. shale/matrix) and assumes that the connectivity of the permeable fraction (flow units) controls the flow. The physical properties of such systems are related to the density of objects (sand bodies) placed randomly in a reservoir.
    In 2001 King et al. investigated simple geometry reservoirs using random walker theory and the simulation results (assuming lattice network) were in acceptable match with real data. However, the mentioned study was limited to isotropic rocks. This study attempts to investigate the effect of anisotropy and fraction of sand body size to reservoir using a mathematical analysis of the phenomena. The breakthrough time in synthetic models are compared with the results of a commercial simulator (Eclipse)
  9. Keywords:
  10. Break Through Time ; Anisotropic Reservoirs ; Percolation Theory

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