Effects of Cable Arrangements on Seismic Performance of Cable-stayed Bridges
Heidari, Siamak | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44632 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Maleki, Shervin
- Abstract:
- Cable-stayed bridges are the most economical solution for spans ranging from about 200 to 1000 meters. They have become more popular in recent decades due to their efficiency and appearance. The need to understand their seismic beahvior is apparent and any improvement can be useful. The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using three lateral cable arrangement groups namely, cross system, pulley system and spatial lateral cable system with two transversally inclined cable planes on seismic performance of cable-stayed bridges. In this research, the seismic consequences of these arrangements with interactions of key parameters like, the main span length and deck to pylon connection are analyzed. In order to model the bridges, detailed research on the section dimensions and proportions of several constructed cable-stayed bridges has been performed to establish the main parameters of the proposed base model. The span lengths of 300, 400 and 500 meters are considere and parametric study has also been carried out to establish the characteristics of cable system arrangements. For seismic evaluation of the models, nonlinear static procedure with time history analysis with six scaled earthquake records has been performed by SAP2000 program. The results for force and displacement are monitored in main components of bridges. It is concluded that the spatial cable systems have great effect in reducing the longitudinal forces in the deck and pylons. Besides, the cross and pulley systems have negligible performance on lateral and longitudinal response
- Keywords:
- Cables Stayed Bridges ; Seismic Performance ; Cable Arrangement ; Spatial Cable System ; SAP 2000 Software
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