Experimental Study and Modeling of the Two - Phase Relative Permeability of Oil - Nanosilica/Polymer, Oil-Alkaline/Polymer, Oil - Alkaline/Nano-Silica/Polymer
Mortazavi, Elham | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44980 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Masihi, Mohsen; Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein
- Abstract:
- Oil reservoir Protection and production optimization requires the proper use of EOR methods. One of the conventional methods of EOR is chemical flooding (for example polymer, alkaline – Polymer, Nano - Polymer and Alkaline - Nano – Polymer flooding) which used for controlling mobility ratio of fluid within a reservoir, altering surface tension between fluids, and change reservoir wettability. On the other hand prediction of oil production in reservoirs during chemical injection processis impossible without having two-phase relative permeability functions and meanwhile, data from the experimental results of these functions are limited.In this study, effect of polymer type and concentration in polymer solution, type and concentration of alkaline in alkaline- polymer solution, concentration of silica nanoparticles in Nano-polymer solution, and concentration of Nano-silica in alkaline-Nano-polymer solution on relative permeability curves of aqueousphase and oil phase will be discussed.For this purpose, unsteady experiments have been usedto displace oil by injection of a chemical solution in sandstone sample. So that, first, conventional model to determine two-phase flow relative permeability, compared, and then by choosing one of the models, results of experiments will be modeled.As a conclusion, among analytical models to determine relative permeability, JBN and JR models, has similar results, but results of Modified JBN model, due to the effect of capillary pressure, is lesser amounts.Also, by increasing viscosity of polymer solution, increasing ability of alkaline, and its concentration in alkaline-polymers solution, relative permeability curves of fluids available in reservoir sample will improve. So that, wetting phase(chemical solution) relative permeability curve decreases, and the non-wetting phase (oil)relative permeability curve increasing. Moreover, addition of silica nanoparticles to polymer and alkaline - Polymer solution,enhanced ability of a chemical solution to improve fluid relative permeability curves, and thus, increases oil recovery factor
- Keywords:
- Relative Permeability ; Unsteady State Displacement Experiments ; Nanopolymer ; Alkaline-Nanopolymer
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