- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44984 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ehsan, Mehdi
- Abstract:
- One of the topics that has been given great consideration after restructuring and smart grid emergence, is loss management. This subject is specifically important in distribution systems, which have been reported to have 70% of the total loss in power systems. In this thesis, distribution loss is studied and its affecting factors are analyzed. Then loss optimization and loss cost allocation to distribution consumers are studeid. In order to acheive these two goals, it is neccessary for the distribution system to have the capabilities of a smart grid. The subjectof distribution reconfiguration is duiscussed as one of the loss reduction methods. Traditional reconfiguration problem trend considers only one loading condition (mostly maximum demand), in order to find the optimum configuration. The optimum configuration is then kept for all other loading conditions. As the distribution loading condition has hourly and daily variations, the optimum configuration continuously changes. In this thesis, feeder daily load curve is used to obtain the best reconfiguration hours during a day. Then the optimum configuration during each time interval is obtained.The switches that contribute to reconfiguration should be remotely controlled, in order to have the capability of real-time mode alteration. In order to evaluate the feasibility of automated switch installation, the benefit-to-cost ratio is calculated. The whole procedure is applied to a test distribution system and the results are discussed. The other subject tackled in loss management is distribution loss allocation. In this thesis, a novel loss allocation method is proposed, based on Shapley value in game theory, which is simple and easy to understand and leads to fair answers. The proposed method is capable to be applied to radial distribution systems that include distributed generation units. One of the significances of the method is considering reactive flows in loss allocation. The method is applied to two case systems and the results are discussed
- Keywords:
- Reconfiguration ; Loss Allocation ; Distribution Loss ; Smart Power Grid ; Causal Loop Diagram ; Distribution System Reconfiguration
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