Development of a One-Dimensional Compositional Simulator to Account for the Effects of Different Relative Permeability Models in Gas Condensate Reservoirs
Mae’soumi Gholghouchan, Ali | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44998 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Masihi, Mohsen; Gerami, Shahab
- Abstract:
- As the published statistics of prestigious international institutes show, the share of natural gas from the energy basket of the world is rising. This increase is due to some reasons such as decrease in oil reserves, discovery of new gas fields, lower environmental problems, etc. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not an exception of this rule; but also because of huge gas reservoirs that Iran has, it becomes very important for the Iranian government. Hence, research for predicting the behavior of such reservoirs is a necessary need of oil and gas industry.Both thermodynamic and flow behavior of gas condensate fluids are more complicated than other reservoir fluids. Its complex thermodynamic behavior is due to retrograde condensation that occurs as the fluid pressure drops below the dew point. Flow behavior of this type of fluids is influenced by some parameters that affect relative permeability. In gas condensates, in addition to saturation, other parameters such as velocity and interfacial tension affect the relative permeability of both phases. As the velocity increases or the interfacial tension decreases, relative permeabilities, especially for the gas phase, increases. But, for higher fluid velocities which are in the turbulent regime, relative permeabilities will decrease as velocity increases. Researchers express these two phenomena as positive coupling and negative inertia. Usually these two phenomena are called near wellbore phenomena, because sharp changes in velocity and interfacial tension for gas condensates occur in near wellbore region. Many researchers tried to investigate these effects and develop a relation for relative permeability of gas condensates which considers the effect of these phenomena. However, the existing commercial simulators suffer from a weakness. For calculating the relative permeability of such fluids, they use old relative permeability models which are appropriate for other fluids. Some others have only a few of the proposed models for gas condensates. So, our goal is to develop a 1-D compositional simulator to predict the flow behavior of gas condensate, in which the effect of near wellbore phenomena on relative permeability is included.To do this work, we used three different models for compositional simulator. Also five famous models for relative permeability of gas condensate are considered. The details and results will be explained later
- Keywords:
- Relative Permeability ; Gas Condensate ; Positive Coupling ; Negative Inertia ; Compositional Simulator
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