
Transmission of High Quality Video over Mobile Ad hoc Networks

Azizpour Shirsavar, Milad | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45018 (19)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Computer Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ghanbari, Mohammad
  7. Abstract:
  8. Video communications over mobile ad hoc networks is increasingly deployable as these networks become deployed in various applications such as disaster recovery. Error-prone nature of the mobile ad hoc networks and the vulnerability of compressed video to packet losses have brought many challenges to realize video transmission over MANETs. In this thesis, it is tried to achieve a good quality of service by resilient video coding and multipath transmission over mobile ad hoc networks. To generate error resilient video, a hybrid method is used by combining scalable video coding and multiple description video coding techniques. First, the video sequence is coded to two layers and then each layer is divided to two descriptions by felexible macroblock ordering method. The simulations show that this proposed method outperforms the H.264’s equivalent methods in error-prone networks like MANETs and increases PSNR up to 2dB. In a sub-section of this thesis, two existing methods for calculating PSNR have been compared. By subjective video quality assessment, it has been proved that one of these methods generates more valid value in error-prone networks. According to coding two-stream video in the previous contribution, concurrent multipath transmission of these two streams over two paths improves the usage of this video. Hence, multi-channel implementation for concurrent transmission of video over non-disjoint paths in MANET has been studied. In simulations, by transmitting proposed multiple description scalable coded video over this network, different metrics have been assessed. For instance, packet loss ratio has been decreased in highly loaded network up to 10% and by increasing nodes speed up to 8%
  9. Keywords:
  10. Video Streaming ; Video Coding ; Mobile Ad Hoc Network ; Routing Protocol ; Concurrent Multipath Transmission ; Service Quality ; Error Resilient

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