
The Role of Position Space in Measurement Process in Bohmian Mechanics

Rezaei, Morteza | 2013

407 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45078 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Golshani, Mehdi
  7. Abstract:
  8. In the early time of the discovery of the quantum mechanics and some decades after that, various interpretations of quantum mechanics were proposed. However, many years after that, the “indetermenistic” perspective well-known for Copenhagen perspective which was proposed mostly by Bohr and his colleagues became the dominant attitude among physicists. But nearly two decades after the fixation point of the Copenhagen perspective, a new interpretation of quantum mechanics was proposed by Bohm which was nonlocal but deterministic and it could reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanics.Bohm’s theory responded to the many theoretical and philosophical objections assumed to the Copenhagen view, especially measurement and complementarity, through the concept of quantum potential and presumed hidden variables. In Bohm theory, hidden variables are the Bohemian particle positions. Bohemian particles have certain places in every moment, so Bohm recovered the concept of a trajectory for the particles. But in Bohemian Mechanics all the measurements lead to measure the position. A measurement of a position in Bohemian mechanics discloses the actual location of the particle, but the result of the measurement for other observables depends on the context of the experiment for which the context here means the experimental arrangement with other measurements taking place simultaneously. This property of the Bohm’s theory is called contextuality. It could be seen that the hidden variable theory which tries to reproduce all the predictions of the quantum mechanics should be contextual. In the next step, the reason of the preference of the coordinate representation in the Bohemian Mechanics will be discussed
  9. Keywords:
  10. Quantum Mechanics ; Bohmian Mechanics ; Measurement ; Contextuality ; Position Space ; Quantum Potential

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