
Experimental and Modeling Study of Controlled Salinity Water Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery from one of Iranial Oil Reservoirs

Shojaei, Mohammad Javad | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45073 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein; Masihi, Mohsen
  7. Abstract:
  8. From previous years, water injection was considered as one of the most common methods for enhanced oil recovery. But recently much attention has been paid on the use of low salinity water (LSW) as an enhanced oil recovery fluid. The main mechanism that causes improve oil recovery is wettability alteration to a more water wet state. The change observed in recovery factor during LSW flooding induced from changes in relative permeability and capillary pressure when different levels of salinity are used. However, a few researchers tried to evaluate how macroscopic flow functions depend on the salinity of injected water. To this end, a series oil displacements by water performed on sandstone rock aged with crude oil in presence of connate water. The capillary pressure and relative permeability curves are evaluated from inverse modeling of the obtained data of pressure drop and oil production. Results show oil relative permeability increases, capillary pressure decreases and water relative permeability does not change significantly. Then, the parameters of two capillary pressure and relative permeability models as a function of water saturation and salinity are determined. The results revealed that the exponents of flow functions as well as residual oil saturation changed linearly with the salt concentration. For modeling wettability alteration, Mohanty model was used. Results show which wettability changed from mix wet to water wet. Jerauld model was used to estimate relative permeability and capillary pressure for an intermediate salinity by uing high and low salinity data. Results show capillary pressure and relative permeability curves are well predicted. Observations from contact angle, IFT measurement, relative permeability and capillary pressure showed that the oil recovery enhancement is controlled by wettability alteration to a more water-wet condition and interfacial tension reduction as a result of carbonate dissolution and cation exchange
  9. Keywords:
  10. Relative Permeability ; Modeling ; Experimental Studies ; Low Salinity Water Flooding ; Wettability Alteration ; Capillary Pressure

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