
Exergoeconomic Analysis and Optimization of Multi Effect Desalination System Integrated with Gas Turbine Considering Solar Pre-Heater

Moghtaderi, Hamed | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45107 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Roshandel, Ramin; Farhanieh, Bijan
  7. Abstract:
  8. Considering the increasing growth of population and the economical development in our country, the need to drinking water as well as agricultural water sources is felt more. In this respect and with regard to the lack of water sources in central and southern parts of our country, the present project suggests a system which can be used in south of the country to produce desalinated water from the salt water of sea. This system is recommended due to the comparative advantages of the southern part of the country including the prevalence of gas turbine plants, proper solar insulation and the access to salt water. The system is suggested with the presupposition of accessibility to a working gas turbine.In this project, general concepts will be introduced first and then an energy model will be presented. In the next step, the decision-making variables will be identified, and the system is examined for sensitivity analysis based on the variables. After that, exergy analysis will be carried out to calculate the amount of exergy flows and their destructios. This phase will be done with concentration on the subsystem of desalinator. In the following step, exergoeconomic analysis will be done on the system and the cost of flows rate as well as the destructions rate will be calculated. Finally, the system will be optimized with two approaches based on genetic algorithm, first with considering the total cost function (including the cost of exergy destructions) and second with the approach of multiple objective optimization (Gain output ratio and Unit product cost). Given the fact that the approach was different in each of these two optimization methods, the results were also different. Multiple objective optimization resulted in the considerable reduction in the costs of unit from 5.351 ($ per cubic meters) to 1.936. In contrast, in this method of optimization, Gain output ratio increased by the small amount of 2.5 percent, and instead, the total cost grew by 11.3 percent. In optimizing the total cost, which is the chief aim of optimization, this costdecreased by the substantial amount of 31.2 percent from 0.6394 to 0.4397. In a similar way, Unit output product cost dropped by 33.8 percent from 5.351 to 3.541, and Gain output ratio fell off by 15.9 percent from 6.825 to 5.741. Considering the complete library of Engineering Equation Solver software regarding the Thermodynamic properties of the materials, the software was utilized to carry out a substantialproportion of the project
  9. Keywords:
  10. Gas Turbines ; Optimization ; Multi-Effect Desalination (MED) ; Exergo Economic Analysis ; Solar Pre-Heater ; Exergoeconomics

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