
Study of Loading Orientation Effect on Shear Strength of Rock Mass Discontinuities with Infilling Based on Laboratory Methods

Malaksiar, Hosein | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45317 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Sadaghiani, Mohammad Hosein
  7. Abstract:
  8. Recently, Needs for construction of rock structures and underground ones such as tunnels, dam foundations, power plants and caverns built to keep oil, gas and nuclear waste has increased dramatically. In order to design, construct and excavate these underground structures safely and economically, full understanding of rock mass properties, suitable tools and practical techniques of drilling are necessary. Because of existing this discontinuities, including joints and layered rock masses and their effects on mechanical behavior of rock mass, it is necessary for the geomechanical profile, shear strength and failure mechanism of rock mass to be accurately indentified. Shear strength criterions offered for this continuities with different roughness are without infilling. Also studies occurred on infill, had been very limited and don’t have followed to shear strength criterion. The goal of study in this research project is peruse of loading orientation on shear strength of rock mass discontinuities with infilling based on laboratory methods. Consequently, this research project is very necessary and there is more researches needed to do in this basis. Because of this purpose utilize direct shear test. The effect of discontinuity infilling will study in different situation under shear test. Direct shear tests do with constant normal load (CNL) method. In design and construction of shear samples attend to parameters such as deviation angle of joint roughness and joint orientation toward to shear load or deviation angle of shear loading. Moreover geometry parameters of joint area, also normal stress and infilling degree of saturation are variable parameters. The discontinuity modeling is regular joints with the same dip angles compounded water and plaster powder. Infilling between joints is clayey silt which is geology formation infilling of very civilian projects. Total test implemented on 39 samples with different properties of joint area, loading situation and degree of saturation. The result of this thesis will show that with increasing the normal stress and decreasing the deviation angle of shear loading, the shear strength of discontinuities will increase. It also found that with decreasing the deviation angle of joint teeth and increasing the degree of saturation, the shear strength of discontinuity will decrease
  9. Keywords:
  10. Loading Direction ; Shear Strength ; Direct Shear ; Discontinuity ; Infilling

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