On The Non-Linear Behavior of Continuous Beam to Column Connection
Rahmani, Ahmad | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45368 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Moghadam, Hasan
- Abstract:
- A special steel beam-to-column connection, named Khor-jini, is commonly used for steel framing system in Iran. In this system, two continuous beams are passed next to the columns and are connected to the column side using seated brackets.This type of connection has been common in Iran from the late past. Unfortunately, the seismic behavior of Khorjini frames had not been sufficiently studied prior to Manjil Earthquake of 1990. Due to very large damages which occurred in steel structures especially in connections during the said earthquake, the seismic behavior of this type of connection was studied and some of its weak points were recognized.In this study non-linear behavior of common Khorjini connection under monotonic loading is investigated using FEM software Abaqus. First modeling strategy is discussed and then damage model used in modeling is calibrated. Using built-in amage model in Abaqus the nonlinear behavior of this connection including weld’s stress and strain filed, cracking rotation, initial stiffness, ltimate and yield strength are analyzed and based on analysis output parametric relations are proposed. Results show that beams section height and upper angle length are most effective parameters on the characteristic behavior of connection. Also cracking rotation of this connection is varied between 0.01 to 0.02 rad
- Keywords:
- Scissor Connection ; Nonlinear Behavior ; Initial Stiffness ; Finite Element Method ; Damage Mechanism ; Cracking Rotation
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- فهرست جدولها
- فهرست شکلها
- 1- مقدمه
- 2- اتصال خورجینی ساده
- 3- مدلسازی
- 4- پیشبینی شروع ترکخوردگی در اتصال خورجینی با استفاده از روش VGM
- 5- مطالعه رفتاری اتصال خورجینی ساده و توسعه روابط پارامتریک
- فصل ششم
- نتیجهگیری و پیشنهادات
- 6-نتیجهگیری و پیشنهادات
- 7-مراجع