Development of an Automatic Production and Growth of Bronchial Tree Based On Graph Grammar Methods
Davoodi, Amir Abbas | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45372 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Bozorgmehry Boozarjomehry, Ramin
- Abstract:
- An anatomically accurate model of conducting airways is essential for adequately simulating gas mixing and fluid distribution. In the current study, Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) as a type of graph grammars method has been formulated to generate bronchial tree structure in human lung. It has been considered that the structure of bronchial tree is divided into two main parts: 1) The central airways (from the trachea to segmental bronchi); and 2) the dichotomous branching structure (from segmental bronchi to alveolar duct). Nine parametric rewriting rules incorporating within physiological laws of the airway branching are used to generate each parts of the bronchial tree. Comparison of the resulting model with those reported in the literature shows that the morphometric characteristics of L-system structure are in good agreement with experimental data. The resulting model can be used for simulating transport phenomena
- Keywords:
- Lung ; L-System Theory ; Graph Grammer ; Bronchial Tree
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