
Boraghi, Mahsa Sadat | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45506 (03)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemistry
  6. Advisor(s): Parsafar, Gholamabbas
  7. Abstract:
  8. In 2009, a general equation of state (EOS-III) based on an effective near-neighbor pair interaction of an extended Lennard-Jones (3, 6, 12) type has been introduced as : , where is the compressibility factor, p and ρ stand for pressure and molar density , respectively, T is Temperature , and e, f and g are the temperature dependent coefficient of the equation of state . the Z_th and Z_in are the thermal and internal contributions of pressure in the compressibility factor, respectively. this equation of state gives a good description of all types of nano- and bulk –solid and bulk fluid at entire temperature and pressure ranges for which thee is experimental data. Investigation show that although the total pressure well obeys from EoS, neither its thermal nor its internal compressibility factors could not be described by a simple- three- term expression of (EoS-III). then, density dependencies of thermal and internal pressure have been investigated by several approaches Based on Modified-Carnahan-Starling and Redlich-Kwong equation of state, it is found that all powers of density should be contributed in the thermal compressibility factor and hence in the thermal pressure. therefore for expression of Z_th at least it is necessary to add a cubic term in density hence, EoS-III has been modified by adding the ρ^3 term. so EoS-III modified to EoS-MIII:Also appropriate expression for the internal compressibility factor, is found by using RK-EoS, again it is found that all powers of density are present and at least it is necessary to add a cubic term in density: In this work, we have investigated the accuracy of the EoS-MIII for other system, including : [C_6mim][NTf_2], [C_4mim][NTf_2], [C_2mim][ETOSo_3] and [C_4mim][dca] ionic-liquid for both thermal and internal contributions to the compressibility factor, separately. we have noticed that these system obey the EoS-MIII. then we have applied this EoS-MIII in the modified Enskog theory (MET) to calculate the viscosity of some dense fluids. the result show that EoS-MIII is an appropriate EoS to predict the viscosity.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Ionic Liquids ; State Equation ; Modified Enskog Theory

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