
Aeroelastic Analysis of Vehicle Under the Effect of Liquid Sloshing in Fuel Tank with Reduced Order Model

Noorian, Mohammad Ali | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45554 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Haddadpour, Hassan
  7. Abstract:
  8. The present thesis aims at investigating the dynamic interaction of slosh and aeroelasticity in the fuel contained aero vehicles. The main approach in this research is to develop reduced order models for description of the coupled system. In this regard, boundary element method is used to develop slosh dynamic model. Axisymmetric boundary element method with non-symmetric boundary conditions is used to develop slosh dynamic model for axisymmetric containers. Zoning method is used to develop slosh dynamic model for the multi-baffled tanks and based on it, slosh equivalent mechanical model is developed for multi-baffled tanks. Finite element method along with modal technique is used to develop structural dynamics model and the piston theory is used for description of supersonic aerodynamics. Combination of these models and developing fluid-structure interaction model is done by introducing of the slosh and aerodynamic generalized forces into the structural dynamics equations, and resultant forces and moments of them in flight dynamics equations. Eigenvalue analysis of the coupled system is used to investigation of aeroelastic stability of the vehicle and the obtained results are verified in comparison with the literature. Finally, using the developed FSI model, effect of liquid sloshing on the panel flutter boundary and aeroelastic stability of the launch vehicle is investigated. Also some instabilities or variations in stability margin which are arising from slosh dynamics and aeroelasticity interaction are determined
  9. Keywords:
  10. Boundary Element Method ; Panel Flutter ; Fluid-Solid Interaction ; Liquid Sloshing ; Aeroelasticity ; Reduced Order Model ; Panel Flutter ; Launch Vehicle ; Baffled Tanks

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