
PRI (Palm Rotation Indicator): a metric for postural stability in dynamic nonprehensile manipulation [electronic resource]

Beigzadeh, B. (Borhan) ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.5755/j01.mech.18.4.2324
  3. Abstract:
  4. In this study, we discuss the postural stability of a nonprehensile manipulation problem, which deals with multibody objects. As a metric for postural stability, we define PRI. Then, the system is posturally stable, if PRI is inside the convex hull of the object-manipulator contact surface. We then discuss that dynamic biped locomotion is a special case of dynamic nonprehensile manipulation in all aspects; we prove that ZMP (zero-moment point) and FRI (zoot rotation indicator) are special cases of PRI (palm rotation indicator). Simulations and experiments corresponding to simple examples support the results
  5. Keywords:
  6. Palm rotation indicator ; Metric for postural stability ; Dynamic nonprehensile manipulation
  7. Source: Journal of MECHANIKA ; 2012, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 461-466
  8. URL: http://www.mechanika.ktu.lt/index.php/Mech/article/view/2324