
A fuzzy random minimum cost network flow programming problem [electronic resource]

Nematian, J. (Javad) ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Abstract:
  3. In this paper, a fuzzy random minimum cost flow problem is presented. In this problem, cost parameters and decision variables are fuzzy random variables and fuzzy numbers respectively. The object of the problem is to find optimal flows of a capacitated network. Then, two algorithms are developed to solve the problem based on Er-expected value of fuzzy random variables and chance-constrained programming. Furthermore, the results of two algorithms will be compared. An illustrative example is also provided to clarify the concept
  4. Keywords:
  5. Network flow programming ; Fuzzy random variable ; Er-expected value ; Chanceconstrained programming
  6. Source: Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (JISE)-Iranian Institute of Industrial Engineering ; Article 3, Volume 6, Issue 1, Spring 2012, Page 34-47
  7. URL: http://jise.ir/article_4057_625.html