Investigation of the Membrane Characteristics on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell
Nikousefat , Omid | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45812 (03)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemistry
- Advisor(s): Torkian, Ayoub; Gobal, Freydoon
- Abstract:
- The process of human populations growth, limited resources of fossil fuels and its environmental consequences have driven the international community to Renewable Energy. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) has ability of simultaneous wastewater treatment and electricity generation (Energy). This technology can be considered as one of the proposed solutions to reduce costs of wastewater treatment and power generation. Separators are one of the major components of the MFC that have direct impact on cell performance. On the other hand, high costs of the conventional types have caused to limiting development of the MFC in the last decade.
In this study, inexpensive and available glass wool membrane is used in a two-chamber microbial fuel cell fed by domestic wastewater(COD =540 mg /L). Treatment and power generation performances of MFC containing a glass woolwas compared with Nafion - MFC.Biomass yieldwhich gives is an index of constant performance of microorganisms (Y= 0.9 mgVSS / mg COD) is determined by the culture medium and used in the startup and during the reactor operation. Power production of Nafion-MFC and glass wool-MFCare 1.80 and 0.49mW/m2, respectively. Columbic efficiency is also obtained 75% and 32% for reactor containing Nafion and glass wool membrane, respectively. CODremovalefficiencies of73% and 82% is measured for Nafion and glass wool MFCs, respectively which indicat better treatment performance of glass wool membrane especially in using of MFC with treatment purposes - Keywords:
- Microbial Fuel Cell ; Separators ; Waste Treatment ; New Energies
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