Face Motion Capture using a Regular Camera and Constructing face 3D Graphical Model
Foroughi, Faraz | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45986 (19)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Advisor(s): Jamzad, Mansour
- Abstract:
- In this project, using one regular color camera, a video is captured of an actor’s face. Using machine vision and without any kind of markers on the actor’s face, this video is processed to extract the locations of some desired points on the face of the actor. Then these points are mapped to corresponding points on a 3D graphical model of a face, so that a realistic animation of facial movements is achieved. The extracted points, including points on the eyebrows, eyes and lips are the most important ones for the purpose of facial animation. To extract these points, in each region several methods are implemented and studied to find the best method, finally for extracting points on the eyebrow, threshold is used, for the eyes, detection and tracking of the top eyelid. For detection of the iris a template is designed and used. For the lips, information of optical flow on its surface and tracking of lip corners are employed. Also a skinned face (including its 3D mesh data) is used for animation.The achieved animations are compared to the results of “YouCam” software using the standard subjective test method. The evaluation results showed to be more satisfactory for our proposed method
- Keywords:
- Feature Extraction ; Face Animation ; Lip Movement Animation ; Eyes ; Face Motion Capture ; Eyebrew Countour ; Iris Position Detection
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